Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-19-Speech-2-333"

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"Madam President, Mr Wathelet, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I would first of all like to thank Mrs Jędrzejewska and the other Members for the excellent work they have done in recent months, which has made it possible to define a position on the 2011 budget – first, the Commission’s budget and, tomorrow, Parliament’s. In my view, the starting point for European action on the budget must be the concept of European added value, which, as you know, means that Europe’s spending must generate clear, visible benefits for the Union and its citizens. In that respect, it should be emphasised that the introduction of new policies and the enhancement of powers already recognised throughout the Union, such as the results of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, have made it plainer than ever that an adequate budget is needed. I therefore believe that the European budget should remain large enough to achieve results that could not be accomplished by means of any other spending at national or local level. That is even more important at a time of crisis like now, when the Member States are committed to the difficult task of keeping spending under control and balancing their own budgets, and when the Committee on Budgets has given ample proof of its careful and responsible policy by keeping within the limits of the multiannual financial framework for the first time in 20 years. Parliament has decided to follow the Commission’s initial position in many respects, while also providing for a number of increases to finance its own priorities proposed since March 2010, such as youth, mobility, research and innovation. It has therefore eliminated the cuts proposed by the Council, which were often applied indiscriminately and even in key budget lines, as in the case of the accounting clearance under heading 2, revealing a lack of clear, reasoned political decision making underpinning the proposal. I also believe the budget for the common agricultural policy (CAP) needs to be kept at its current level, particularly in view of the next revision of the CAP, due after 2013, which will require an adequate level of funding in line, therefore, with the amount provided in the current budget."@en1

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