Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-09-21-Speech-2-095"

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"China is an important business and trading partner of the European Union. I am naturally in favour of a closer strategic partnership, but it must be based on trust and reciprocity. However, we must not neglect social conditions in China in the rush to establish good trade relations, joint research, joint measures on environmental protection or other things. The population of China represents almost a quarter of the global population, and despite the fact that social changes in China over the past 20 years have led to improvements, we must not neglect the intervention that is needed in order for China to be a truly open and democratic country. We are talking about 1.5 billion people, who deserve a guarantee of basic human rights and freedoms. However, we must remember that next year is the year of youth within the framework of Europe-China relations, and in the European Union, it will be the year of volunteering. I therefore consider it necessary for us to aim to establish projects that are as closely interlinked as possible, and to support exchanges of young people in particular, as the younger generation represent the future for all of us. If we create conditions for cooperation now, the better it will be in the future."@en1

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