Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-09-07-Speech-2-036"

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"Mr President, sometimes you do see us, up here, at the top of the Himalayas. President of the Commission, your vision of a Europe of justice, freedom, democracy, prosperity and a high standard of modern political morals is very important. I wish I had time to analyse what Mr Kaminski said, but time is too short. This vision is also our vision, which is why my small country, Cyprus, has given a great deal for freedom and democracy in Europe and in the world. It fought hard to join the European Union. So why are you undermining and circumventing this vision, which is also your vision? Why are you allowing an attempt to be made to dismantle the basic principles and values on which the Union is based? I refer to the case of Cyprus, where your insistence on the application of Article 207 of the Treaty of Lisbon to the direct trade regulation infringes the Treaty of Accession and, in particular, Protocol 10 on the accession of the whole of Cyprus to the European Union, and deals a severe blow to the sovereignty of Cyprus and, at the same time, solidarity towards the Member States and the credibility of the Union."@en1

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