Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-06-16-Speech-3-052"

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"Madam President, I would like to make three points. Firstly, the great majority of this Parliament and the Commission are united in stressing the enforcement of the Community method. I support this approach, but we should be aware that it is the Commission that has to perform economic governance, not necessarily the Council. Before starting new institutions, we need first to strengthen the existing ones. The Commission needs to have a stronger mandate to efficiently coordinate fiscal consolidation, with the authority to issue warnings to those who violate the rules. Secondly, the crisis provides also for opportunities, for example, completion of the internal common market. I shall stress especially the European Digital Agenda, which is an important part of the Europe 2020 strategy. It should become an instrument to boost an efficiently functioning, common digital market for products and services, reducing horizontal obstacles of bureaucracy and communication. Thirdly, the eurozone. A credible and stable euro is a core not only of the eurozone of 16; it is a core of the Union as a whole. The present crisis should not lead to splitting Europe into two separate spheres but, on the contrary, should consolidate it around common economic and spiritual values. Estonia’s joining the eurozone at a time of turmoil is a demonstration of confidence in the euro’s future. This is the time to ask, ‘What can we do to strengthen Europe?’ not ‘What can Europe do for us?’ Estonia will join the euro club with full awareness that it will take co-responsibility for its cohesion and will make our proportional contribution to the fund on financial stabilisation."@en1

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