Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-04-21-Speech-3-137"

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"Madam President, I do not want to repeat what my fellow Members quite rightly said before me, but rather make a few general remarks. I do not know whether you have ever seen the film Minority Report. If not, then I would recommend that you watch it. In this film, law enforcement agencies of the future use a so-called pre-crime system to try to arrest criminals before they have committed any crime. So-called pre-cops try to predict the future by constantly monitoring people’s feelings and manners of behaviour. Great! A seemingly infallible system that finally provides security. Then the chief investigator himself is targeted and the house of cards collapses. I do not want to irritate you just now by reviewing this great and still relevant film in even more detail, but the uncontrolled access to all passenger information of all people worldwide for the purpose of profiling and nothing else has been going on in the USA at least since 11 September 2001. This uncontrolled access contradicts not only all data protection regulations of the European Union, but fundamental constitutional principles, like the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial and the prohibition of the arbitrary abuse of power. In our opinion, the agreements negotiated by the EU with the USA and Australia on access to Passenger Name Record data are a serious violation of European fundamental rights and provisions of the rule of law, and as the European Parliament we have mentioned this on several occasions, as Mrs in ’t Veld has already made clear. As the European Parliament, we cannot support these, but call on the Commission and the Council to lay a new mandate on the table that puts the protection of citizens worldwide before such a pre-crime system."@en1

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