Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-02-11-Speech-4-064"

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"Commissioner, I wish you every success with your new portfolio. Gambling is a contemporary form of addiction. We all know it; it is a kind of escapism for the modern man and woman. Nevertheless, online gambling is a fact which we politicians have to face and for which we have to find the best possible solution. On the one hand, we have to protect the principles underlying the European Union, such as the free movement of services, and on the other, we have to protect consumers. What direction should we take though? If we place too broad competences in the hands of national Member State administrations, it seems to me we will not eliminate all the disadvantages of online gambling. Nor will we eliminate money laundering or other associated criminal activities. Most of all, we will fail to eliminate monopolies, because dedicated operators will of course achieve precisely that role within their national boundaries. I am against protectionism when it comes to gambling and wish your green paper could in fact solve this problem for everybody’s benefit, for the benefit of consumers and national administrations and for the benefit of the principles underlying the European Union."@en1

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