Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-12-15-Speech-2-028"

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"Mr President, I, in turn, would like to express my satisfaction with the agreement reached in conciliation. It required the intelligence of the Swedish Presidency, the effective contribution of the Commission, the competence of our rapporteurs and the sense of compromise of the political groups’ representatives. May we thank them all. In my view, however, the big news of the day is not this agreement. When it comes to the future of the European budget, the week’s major event is not taking place here in Strasbourg, but in Copenhagen. There, our great national leaders have taken two days to agree to find EUR 2 400 000 000 to finance so-called EU aid for disadvantaged countries affected by climate change, and this is just for 2010. We MEPs would have been considered irresponsible had we failed to make EUR 81 million in EU budget cuts, and here we see EUR 2 400 000 000 being plucked out of thin air. I welcome this outcome, but no democrat can accept a procedure that is so obscure, so devoid of all democratic control – all the parliaments, the European Parliament and the national parliaments, are going to be presented with a and which has such unfair consequences for certain Member States, since some will pay two or three times as much as other, equally wealthy, States. Nevertheless, let us welcome this first: our Heads of State or Government are recognising that common EU policies can no longer make do with a budget that is limited to 1% of gross domestic product. They are reinventing the European budget, but in a kind of parallel form. I am counting on the new European Commission and on the Spanish Presidency to help us lay the foundations of the new budgetary Europe, which no one now disputes is necessary."@en1

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