Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-11-23-Speech-1-127"

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"Mr President, we have had a very good debate this evening. I think it is the Presidency that stands indicted tonight for their absence. They have not been here, and I think they must bear the shame for it. I just want to make a couple of points. I agree totally with Sophia in ’t Veld. Of course, we want a strong Europol in the longer term, and even a better, more cooperating Europol where that is necessary. We only have to look at the many problems we have facing our borders today – drugs, human trafficking, international crime and terrorism, to name but a few – to see the need for that. I think it was the spokesman for the PPE who raised a point that came very close to me when he talked about the rights of the victim weighed against those of the perpetrator. I think that this is something we have got to give very serious thought to. Very sadly, we so often see those who carry out the crime get more sympathy and more support than the victim who was on the receiving end of what happened. There are many areas where that can be shown to have been the case. There is no way that can be held to be acceptable. I believe that we must give more support to the victims, and I think that then clearly identifies who was the victim. No way can you have those who perpetrate the crime being given equal treatment with the victim. Anyone who believes that in today’s society we can survive without cooperating is living in cloud-cuckoo land. That is the reality as far as I see it. We had a very plain example where I come from – in Northern Ireland – over the last few weeks, where cooperation between the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Garda Síochána in the south made it possible to apprehend, bring back and prevent entering the market millions upon millions of cigarettes. Do you really think that could have happened if there had not been cooperation – not just between them, but cooperation all the way to the Far East? Yes, my friends, we have to have a strong Europol, yes, we have got to work towards that and, yes, we must look to cooperate where it is in the best interests of everyone."@en1

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