Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-11-12-Speech-4-039"

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"Mr President, my thanks to the members of this sitting for their constructive comments and kind words about my report. The Committee on Petitions and I personally had the very special honour of drafting the report on the annual report on one of the most important institutions of the European Union, the European Ombudsman, and we came to the conclusion that the activities which Mr Nikiforos Diamandouros carried out in 2008 served the institution and the obligations which derive from it consistently, seriously and effectively. With his impartial and objective stance towards strong institutions and bureaucratic attitudes, the European Ombudsman strengthened his standing, not only because he helped European citizens on matters of administrative negligence or inefficiency, but mainly because he strengthened their confidence in the European Union and its institutions. We consider that, in 2008, the Ombudsman supported the institution with respect for the rules of law and with a deep social awareness, thereby setting a high standard for coming years. We trust that proper administration of the obligations and rights of this institution by the European Ombudsman over coming years will promote sound administration in the institutions of the European Union even more effectively and will foster an even more citizen-friendly attitude on the part of its institutions. We feel that this will vindicate not only the institution of the European Ombudsman and, indirectly, the institution of the ombudsmen in the Member States, but also a stronger role for the European Parliament, which controls and elects him."@en1

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