Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-11-11-Speech-3-238"

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"Madam President, until 2008 and the Slovenian Presidency, not enough progress was made on what the Commissioner rightly called an historic move towards visa liberalisation for the Western Balkans. As Mrs Ludford said, very correctly, there are deep practical considerations as to why this is important for us and why this is not just a reactive measure. So, on behalf of the Socialist and Democrat Group, I want to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Fajon, for the careful and painstaking work she has undertaken to move the European Union towards this ultimate goal of abolition of the visa regime for all the countries of the Western Balkans. This has been done with the shadow rapporteurs and with the Commission and Council, and it should be commended. While it is clear that many see visa liberalisation as having great benefits on both sides; it is also the case that we have to take the whole House with us on the question of the road map and of ensuring that fundamental reforms are carried out in all of these countries in order to gain confidence for a truly decent visa liberalisation regime. The task for our rapporteur was to make a breakthrough on visa liberalisation while taking the House with her. She has done this in the form of the declaration that she negotiated with the Council. The declaration looks to visa liberalisation for Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, to an acceleration of the liberalisation regime for Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to a sensitive compromise on the question of Kosovo. For all these reasons, my group supports this report and hopes it will gain widespread support in the House."@en1

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