Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-04-22-Speech-3-458"

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"Mr President, I too should like to add my congratulations to the rapporteur and the Commission on the compromise. The main proposals contained in the directive include the extension to the period of protection for performers and producers from 50 to 70 years, the creation of a fund for musicians and the introduction of ‘use it or lose it’ clauses in contracts. All this is important, and was discussed by us in committee, as were the idea of the ‘use it or lose it’ clause, the simplification of administrative procedures and the harmonisation of rules in all the Member States. These were important issues which were included in the compromise, with which we are satisfied. At the same time, we are satisfied because the 70-year period brings protection into line with the period of time for which intellectual property is protected, which is also 70 years. The extension to this period of protection will help with efforts to promote young musical producers, thereby allowing Europe to become a global source of exceptional musical talent which makes an active contribution to artistic creation and job security. At the same time, the Member States will have tax revenue and Europe will become an exporter of intellectual property. I consider the compromise to be satisfactory and welcome the success achieved."@en1

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