Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-04-02-Speech-4-319"

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"Culture is an important element in the sustainable development of European regions and therefore the development plans for all regions must include a cultural dimension. A strategy which includes culture, creativity and art will contribute enormously to improving quality of life for inhabitants of cities and rural areas. In the relatively small area of Slovakia, my own country, we have diverse cultural regions with their own internal variations. The cultural traditions that have developed here over the centuries comprise an unusual variety of forms, types and variants of folklore. For example in my own region of Stará Ľubovňa in the north east of Slovakia you will find Slovak, German, Ruthene, Goral and Roma cultures. All villages organise annual cultural festivals, attracting large numbers of visitors to our region. Partnership between the European regions is strengthened through the variety of costumes, songs and dances. Cultural projects stem from initiatives by voluntary organisations and they deserve the attention and particularly the support of the European Commission. It is a pity that funding for cultural projects is being cut back every year, making it very difficult for local authorities to sustain these remarkable and unique cultural traditions. I firmly believe that the Commission should submit the Green Paper with a range of potential measures for supporting cultural activities aimed at strengthening the cultural development of European regions and I have therefore voted in favour of the resolution on the role of culture in the development of European regions."@en1

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