Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-03-25-Speech-3-045"

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"Mr President, the Berlin Wall fell almost 20 years ago. In the current difficult economic situation, we have once again been able to discern the construction of a new wall in Europe, this time an economic wall. This must not be allowed to happen! Even though extra resources have been granted to assist countries in difficulties, the level of commitment of the EU’s leaders seems to have been mixed. It is worrying that Renault is moving it production from Slovenia to France. We must not allow the spectre of protectionism to wreak havoc once again. The cost of failing, once more, to keep Europe together is far too high. History will punish those who fail in their responsibility. It was therefore good, yesterday, to hear Gordon Brown’s clear message when he declared ‘we will not walk away!’ The same must also apply to President Sarkozy. There is every reason to welcome the proposal by the de Larosière Group. It is a balanced proposal that will mean that the EU will avoid over-regulation, but that the monitoring of the financial markets will be significantly strengthened. The European Central Bank will have an even more important role. The national supervisory authorities will also be given a better opportunity to coordinate themselves and exchange information. Policy must be appropriate even in times of crisis. Proposing regulations that hinder rather than help must not be our response in difficult times."@en1

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