Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-01-14-Speech-3-335"

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lpv:document identification number
lpv:spoken text
"The reaction to the conflict in Gaza has to be more balanced than it currently is. No excessive violence can be excused, yet we have to look deeper into the origins of the conflict. Negotiations with Hamas as it is are not possible. A terrorist grouping which is cynically using its own people as a shield against attacks is not interested in negotiating a true peace. Furthermore, we need to take into account that Hamas has assumed an important role in the chain of terrorist movements which lead to Hezbollah and the Tehran terrorist regime. So Hamas has to be seen as part of wider efforts to destroy the fragile stability in the Middle East and substitute this with fundamentalist extremist regimes that allow in principle no right of existence for Israel. Indeed, we need to understand that the question of Israel’s security is also linked to the EU’s security. The EU must exercise its authority to address first and foremost the roots of the conflict. To avoid further killing of Arabs and Israelis, the Arab partners have to recognise unconditionally Israel’s right to existence and contribute to stopping the infiltration of extremist movements and even more deadly weapons to this region."@en1

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