Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-10-23-Speech-4-119"

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"The June List believes that the EU budget should be limited to 1% of the Member States’ average GNI. We have therefore chosen to vote against all the increases proposed by the European Parliament, at the same time as the June List has welcomed the few savings proposed in the form of amendments by either the Committee on Budgets or individual Members. There are a number of unfortunate budget headings. The June List particularly regrets the large amount of subsidy for the EU’s agricultural policy, the Cohesion Fund, fisheries and the budget headings containing support for various types of information campaign. The June List also believes that something needs to be done about the European Parliament’s constant shuttling between Strasbourg and Brussels and that the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions should be disbanded."@en1

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