Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-09-23-Speech-2-330"

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"Mr President, we have here the Commissioner for Transport and the French President-in-Office of the Council with responsibility for transport. Yet we are talking here about very tangible military deployment. Information was given very late to the relevant committee, the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, even though press reports on this EU mission to combat piracy have been in circulation since back in August. This is unacceptable. We need to have basic information in good time and then we can take a proper decision. According to information from the BBC, France wanted a power of attorney of general, worldwide scope, not just for Somalia, but was fortunately unable to win through on this. For the first time we are talking about a curtailing of maritime sovereignty here, and we are also talking about a palpable breach of international law. We ought to be specifying this very clearly. We are talking about direct support for the so-called government in Somalia, which is supported by Ethiopia and the United States. There is direct cooperation with Operation Enduring Freedom, which is unacceptable, and funding is to be channelled through Athena. We do not have any information of any kind on this either. We ought to be informed directly. What this is about is the protection by military forces of access to raw materials, which cannot be done like this. What we need is a way of dealing with this other than by military means."@en1

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