Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-07-08-Speech-2-030"

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"Mr President, of course it is in the interests of all the people of the EU, and especially of the countries bordering the Baltic Sea, that no danger should be posed to the environment. However, once all environmental reservations have been dispelled nothing else should stand in the way of the Baltic pipeline, for the EU is reliant both on the diversification of energy sources and on the diversification of energy transit routes too. The EU will have to import an additional 200 billion cubic metres of gas every year from 2012. If we are to secure our future energy supplies then every pipeline is important for the EU: the Baltic Sea pipeline represents a complementary energy route and should not therefore be regarded as being in competition with other projects. Politically based arguments should not stand in the way of the economic interests of the EU. Any differences between the eastern and western European Member States should have been settled in advance. In future this task could be left to a ‘Mister Energy for Europe’. Misunderstandings and disagreements could be avoided ahead of events by means of coordination, transparency and the exchange of information. This discussion again highlights the need for a common and coordinated EU foreign policy."@en1

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