Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-06-17-Speech-2-378"

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"On the question of the provenance of fish, I would like to point out two facts. First of all, with regard to fish caught in the wild which often then end up in the processing chain – fish that are caught in the wild by third countries in particular, but also by our own fishermen – we are in the process of adopting a regulation in order to curb illegal fishing activities. This in itself will strengthen our regime considerably, so that any fish that is illegally caught will not be permitted to enter the Community market, either in its original state or after processing. That is one aspect of it. With regard to aquaculture, we are looking at ways and means of ensuring that aquaculture fish that are imported into the Community meet the required health standards and requirements, so that our consumers can be guaranteed that the product that they are eating meets the levels of health protection that we apply to our own products. That is something which DG SANCO is looking into, and there is also a certification scheme in order to certify that products that enter the Community market conform to the required health standards. On a question also connected with all this, it is important to underline that we are looking at the possibility of eco-labelling aquaculture products, as I said before. At first the discussion concentrated only on eco-labelling of fish caught in the wild because the parameters are different. There, the main scope of eco-labelling is to guarantee that fish are sustainably caught and therefore if fish being sold are fish which are over-exploited, they should not benefit from any eco-labelling. With eco-labelling of aquaculture fish the parameters are different, so here the basis should be other reasons, such as the fact that the fish are bred in conditions which meet certain environmental, health and sanitary standards. We are looking at the parameters and obviously we will be coming back to Parliament later with proposals aimed at introducing or facilitating the introduction of, or establishing minimum criteria for the operation of, voluntary eco-labelling schemes in this regard."@en1

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