Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-06-04-Speech-3-063"

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"Mr President, the two reports clearly present the escalation of the EU’s aggressiveness and imperialist plans. They set out a series of priorities for 2008, the goal of which is the economic, political and military advancement of European capital in the world. The EU also aims to plunder peoples and countries, either independently or, where that is not possible, with the assistance of the USA and ΝΑΤΟ. In the first report, one of the salient points is interference and starting wars under the statutory smokescreen of excuses such as the fight against terrorism and the ‘protection of human rights and democracy’. Paragraph 15, Mr Solana, contains the typical, unacceptable and dangerous distinction between democracies and non-democracies. Now who has given you the right to describe peoples as democratic or undemocratic? In this context you also use the new term ‘human security’ as a pretext for preventive wars. Furthermore, both reports, especially the second one, promote the EU’s greater militarisation due to the new drive for Battle Groups and the creation of a permanent EU military force. This is being made possible through the development of Eurocorps, permanent structured cooperation, and adapting the armed forces of Member States to the EU’s aggressive plans. This follows in the footsteps of ΝΑΤΟ by escalating the EU budget’s contribution to weapons and military expenditure. Cooperation between the EU and ΝΑΤΟ is being stepped up under the guise of military missions, supposedly non-military police and legal forces. These are experts who in reality prepare and handle the EU’s military campaigns. You vaunt the 17 military missions carried out and call for more. The EU you are building is a union of war, aggression and imperialism. For this reason, the people must go down the path of resistance, disobedience and insubordination."@en1

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