Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-05-20-Speech-2-359"

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"Madam President, I would first of all like to thank Commissioner Špidla for the clarity of his speech and the speed with which the Commission has reacted. Madam President, allow me to speak on behalf a former Member of the European Parliament, the first Spanish gypsy Member of Parliament who was elected fifteen years ago, Juan de Dios Ramírez Heredia, who sent me a letter that reads as follows: . Allow me to conclude, Madam President, by addressing Commissioner Špidla, who, along with Vice-President Frattini, presented a plan, a roadmap for legal migration here in Parliament three years ago. I think that Vice-President Frattini did a good job as Commissioner and I hope that he will also help to deal with this situation in Italy."@en1
"As European gypsies we believe in Europe. No one has constantly defended a Europe without borders more than the gypsies. For this reason we think that placing arbitrary limits on the free movement of persons within European territory would be a serious step backwards for the European integration that we so much dream of.’"1
"‘You are well aware of the sad events that in recent days have caused so much sorrow to hundreds of innocent gypsy families who have been victims of racist violence. As the Unión Romaní we want this debate, so that no one can ignore the fact that we must, at all costs, defend human rights and the pre-eminence that law must always have over political passions"1

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