Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-04-22-Speech-2-162"

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"I would like to thank my fellow Members for supporting the European People’s Party proposals concerning Europol and research. We are disappointed that Europol under-estimated the importance of monitoring international human organ trafficking. Even in Europe children vanish because of trade in organs, and not only in China but in Moldova, too, human organs are bought and subsequently sold at a high price to Europeans on the black market. This is of course why Europol must monitor the situation. We cannot prevent international transplant tourism without better coordination of the transplantation programmes across the Union. To achieve this, we must first of all agree on a common approach regarding informed consent for organ donation. I personally believe that experiments in the area of human embryo transfers are unethical and irresponsible. On the other hand, clinical research on adult stem cell produces excellent results in tissue transplantation, for example for heart patients, and this procedure does not violate respect for the uniqueness of human beings. Our report sends a strong signal to the Commission, which will soon proposal for a binding text."@en1

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