Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-04-22-Speech-2-040"

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". Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I will limit my contribution to the Commission’s discharge and that of Parliament. With regard to the Commission’s discharge, we are faced with problems that have been sufficiently explained, particularly by the rapporteurs: the fact that the Court of Auditors reported a great many problems in relation to the structural funds, that in fact 12% should not have been paid out (EUR 4 billion, which is an enormous amount) and, with regard to external relations, the fact that, among other things, cooperation with the United Nations is going poorly and awkwardly. These are the problems that we have discussed. This was a significant discharge, because it is the last discharge before the elections. We have another discharge next year, but this will be held during a pre-election phase. It was therefore a significant discharge and we have had to exact dialogue. I am delighted that we did this in a highly constructive manner, across the groups. The fact that we have twice organised a hearing with Commissioners Špidla and Hübner and the fact that we – Mr Jørgensen, Mr Mulder, Mrs Gräßle and I – have been able to exact information from the Commission by means of a joint letter, has led to an excellent result. I sincerely hope that we can achieve a better result next year. With regard to Parliament, I would like to concentrate on two major problems. In relation to the assistants’ statute, we have the internal audit, conducted by the internal auditor. I must commend him on this; it is an excellent document. I still do not understand, Mr President, why you and the Bureau have not published this audit. After all, this is currently surrounded by secrecy and this is not necessary, because we, as Parliament, have always requested that this audit be carried out and that an inquiry be conducted into how the secretariat allowances are managed. I now firmly believe that we must implement that statute. I have submitted a number of other amendments to reinforce Mr Pomés Ruiz’s existing text. This must take place in dialogue with the Commission, but also in dialogue with the Council in particular, because if, in the near future, we approach the Council with a problem that it fails to follow up on, then we are not where we need to be. This must therefore be done in dialogue with the Commission and with the Council. One final item that I would like to mention is that the voluntary pension fund causes me a great deal of concern. Firstly, the actuarial shortfall is continuing to increase, and secondly, I would also like the list of participants in that voluntary pension fund to finally be published."@en1

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