Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-02-21-Speech-4-059"

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"Mr President, I will be brief. First of all, in relation to the observations made on the amendments submitted by the Committee on Fisheries, I must say immediately that fishing is an issue dear to my heart as a coastal MEP, but unfortunately we did not manage to add the committee’s amendments to the text that is about to be put to the vote. We regret this, but I feel it does not mean any less attention ought to be paid to a sector so important to certain EU regions. I would also like to say that cohesion is a major European policy. I also think it was portrayed as a major theme in the House this morning. This is an important point, particularly in relation to future tasks. The Commissioner said earlier that we are dealing with a report, but obviously it is the future that interests us. She realises expectations are running high with regard to territorial cohesion, and what this represents once it is taken up in the Lisbon Treaty. We might say that the ball is now in the Commission’s court with, of course, our assistance and support, Commissioner. The job must be done, and it must be done well, on a joint basis. I wish to add that the fact that regional policy as a whole will now be a matter for codecision by the Council and Parliament will help us move forward together, to make this clearer for our fellow citizens, also a point I feel was solidly made this morning, and also to implement genuine solidarity to the benefit of regions which need it most. Both these concerns were pointed out most firmly this morning. A huge task therefore awaits us. We welcome a policy that is essential to the European Union."@en1

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