Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-01-14-Speech-1-175"

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"Madam President, I also wish to congratulate Mr Blokland for an excellent report and for the admirably skilful way with which he has handled all the procedural issues concerned with this important report. Additionally, I wish to thank him for the respect and attention he has shown to all shadow rapporteurs. The Commission proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the export and import of dangerous chemicals, enriched with the compromise joint amendments by almost all the parliamentary groups, will present a set of adequate and much-needed rules which will most likely provide protection of public health and of the environment at a high level. The serious problems caused by unscrupulous international merchants of toxic substances are well known and feared, and it is very much hoped that the implementation of the Commission’s proposal will assist in helping developing nations to counter the serious hazards to the well-being of their citizens and to our environment. Apart from the substance of this piece of legislation, it is also noteworthy that it demonstrates to some extent the usefulness of the Court of Justice decision concerning action of the Commission against the Council and the European Parliament. At the same time, it raises questions as to why such actions had to be taken in the first place, and why the three core institutions of the EU could not find ways of agreeing amicably and without the need to resort to court deliberations. Such action inevitably brought about delay, was expensive and may have caused a certain amount of avoidable interinstitutional animosity. Nonetheless, it has happened, and it must now be put behind us – although it must perhaps guide all of us to perhaps take wiser decisions in the future and avoid court actions as much as possible."@en1

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