Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-12-12-Speech-3-995"

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". The European Parliament resolution matches and in many respects outstrips the reactionary policy and anti-democratic measures of the EU, which, on the pretext of fighting terrorism, restricts the fundamental personal rights and democratic freedoms of workers. It calls for still greater strengthening of police and judicial cooperation between the enforcement mechanisms and secret security services of the Member States, Europol and Eurojust, and for greater effectiveness in the operation of the SIS II and VIS databases, in order to extend and increase the effectiveness of the monitoring and filing of information on workers throughout the EU. Not only does this resolution align itself fully with the new dimension which the EU is giving to its ‘counter-terrorism strategy’, i.e. combating and preventing so-called ‘violent radicalisation’, but it demands that the strategy should be fought for and that it should be aimed, amongst other things, against ‘incitement to commit violent actions’. This strategy against ‘radicalisation’ reveals the real target of this so-called ‘counter-terrorism’ policy of the EU and its enforcement mechanisms: all those who resist and challenge its reactionary policy. However, no matter how many resolutions are passed by the political mouthpieces of the monopolies, they will not stop the opposition movements and the steadily growing groundswell of opinion challenging the EU itself as an imperialist inter-state union of European capital."@en1

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