Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-12-12-Speech-3-213"

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"I am in favour of adopting the European Commission’s legislative programme for next year and I believe it reflects the political priorities of the European Union very well. Nevertheless, the legislative proposals the Commission is preparing regarding the legislation of private companies and small and medium-sized companies should not affect the Member States policies that have significantly contributed to the economic growth over the last years, such as the single tax rate. Also, the recent communication of the European Commission regarding the "Health Check" of the Common Agricultural Policy is a good basis for interinstitutional negotiation. For this purpose, the European Commission must suspend legislative proposals fundamentally amending provisions of the European Commission until the conclusion of debates between the European institutions and Member States. Last but not least, I regret the absence of legislative initiatives in the field of common visa policy, as regards the reciprocity of granting free movement of persons between the European Union and third countries. I remind the European Commission that 12 Member States, representing over 100 million citizens of the European Union, are still excluded from the Visa Waiver Program for the United States of America."@en1

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