Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-11-13-Speech-2-417"

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"Madam President, Mr. Rapporteur, dear colleagues, the report on the regional impact of earthquakes was not an easy undertaking, especially because it came as earthquakes do: very quickly and unexpectedly. For this reason, I would like to congratulate our colleague Mr. Vakalis for the way in which he managed to be a captain on this ship. Since earthquakes have no ideological connotations, we have had no clashes of opinions among groups. Our only mission was to find pragmatic formulas to fill a gap in legislation and to create efficient response mechanisms at a European level. I would like to say that, according to Mr. Vakalis’ initial intuition, during the research period for this report we discovered that, at the level of the European Union, we have serious gaps regarding earthquake protection. We have no unitary mechanism for intervention in case of an earthquake. Hazard maps are lacking in many European countries and regions. We have no relevant national laws in many countries. We invest very little in research. We have no European research agenda in the field of seismic risk. Seismic risk protection in insurance policies, for instance, is lacking or is insignificant. We have no education campaign for the population, although we have a Eurocod 8, which contains instructions for earthquake protection. Nevertheless, it does not apply to urban planning regulations for new constructions. In a word, we also proposed other things. Mr. Vakalis has mentioned some of them. Those of us who come from the Party of European Socialists reiterated the support for establishing a European civil protection force, inviting the Commission to make a proposal for this purpose. We proposed a European centralized instrument for preventing and managing earthquake crises. We insisted on advanced research and a programme financed at the European level. To all this, Mr. Vakalis operated like a perfect catalyst, he prepared excellent syntheses for compromise amendments when we threatened to draw up a report the size of a dictionary. For this reason, I believe the report is a result of excellent team work and I congratulate Mr. Vakalis and all the colleagues who participated in this report."@en1

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