Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-10-10-Speech-3-174"

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". Madam President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, we cannot ignore the reality of feminicide in Central America. In many regions of the world, women make an essential contribution to the most worthy societal structures of humanity. Thanks to their feminine intuition, women enrich our understanding of the world. They help to make human relations between people more honest and authentic. The time has come to condemn and severely punish all forms of violence perpetrated against women, not only in Central America but also in several countries of Europe. In this regard, the participation of women in managing material aid and assistance given to the victims of this violence could be of fundamental importance. Ladies and gentlemen, if the EU Member States can bring their experience to resolving problems, we should not withhold our expertise. That is why I remain convinced that bilateral cooperation between the Member States and the states of Central America can be effective. I bear witness here to a frankly sensitive job within the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality. I thank the rapporteur, Mr Romeva, for his political sense and cooperation. We have tabled some amendments by common agreement. If these amendments are adopted, we can take pride in a job that may improve the situation of women and thus of the whole of Central American society."@en1

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