Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-07-12-Speech-4-253"

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". Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, before getting to the heart of the matter and talking about the resolution on Vietnam with which we are dealing today, I should like to make a point that I feel is important. I am wondering how the urgent matters with which we deal here, in Parliament, are chosen. Indeed, although I am not calling into question the urgency of the various problems posed in the countries about which we are speaking, it does seem to me that some countries are completely forgotten about when compared with others about which we have the chance to speak several times in one parliamentary term. I shall take just one example – Colombia, with its many trade unionists who have been assassinated and its hostages who are living in increasingly difficult circumstances. According to my research, although Colombia has been the subject of specific resolutions, not once since 2002 has it been an urgent matter; I find this extraordinary. However, I have taken the floor today to speak about the situation in Vietnam. Although it seems that 2006 was a year of political openness, one that made flexibility possible, it appears that freedom of worship is among the problems being reported to us by the NGOs. It is important that Vietnam accommodates all the religions practised on its territory and permits its entire population to choose its form of worship. Freedom of thought and freedom of speech must not under any circumstances be flouted, and the people of Vietnam, whoever they may be, must be able to express themselves by any means at their disposal, including wide circulation methods such as the Internet. Despite the situation, I should also like to point out – perhaps going against what my fellow Member, Mrs Korhola, just said – that efforts have, all the same, been made in Vietnam. This country has already made certain efforts, of which we have taken note, not least when we went there in 2006 with the ASEAN delegation. It is important that we continue to support this country so that the rights of all its citizens may be respected in full. Let us hope that this resolution helps to achieve this."@en1

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