Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-07-12-Speech-4-221"

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". Mr President, Commissioner, I shall read Tobias Pflüger’s speech. ‘Sadly, not until today have we held a debate on assistance for the Iraqi refugees. I deeply regret that. Why did the liberal, right-wing nationalist and conservative groups drop the subject from the agenda of the last plenary part-session? Instead, the House engaged in ideological debates about Cuba. The situation in Iraq is desperate. Since the US invasion and the formation of the so-called ‘coalition of the willing’, more than 600 000 people have been killed. More than two million Iraqis have fled the country. To these may be added two million within the country who have been driven from their homes and more than 40 000 non-Iraqi refugees. The number of US service personnel who have lost their lives rises daily and has now reached 3 600. Regrettably, through their participation in the war and their support of the war, Member States of the EU – and Germany is one of the foremost culprits – bear a substantial share of responsibility for the situation in Iraq. Real help must now be given to the refugees. That cannot be the task of the neighbouring countries alone. The EU must commit funds for this purpose. Deportations to Iraq must be brought to an immediate halt. The troops of the United States and its allies in the so-called coalition of the willing must be withdrawn. EU Member States must stop supporting the war. An end to the illegal war and the occupation of Iraq is imperative."@en1

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