Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-07-10-Speech-2-415"

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"Mr President, Mr Cramer’s report on the implementation of the first railway package shows the difficulties and problems it faces. If railway transport develops and runs properly, it can result in more people and goods being carried, thereby taking the burden off road transportation and cutting CO2 emissions. Rapid passenger transport can also compete with local airlines and coach services. Interlinking rail, road and water transport can reduce its costs and increase the efficiency of the economy. In implementing this package, we should pay particular attention to supporting railway projects, particularly in countries that lack the funding to expand and upgrade their railway network and infrastructure, supporting all activities relating to the exchange of good practice, including for establishing flexible and competitive modes of operation for railway companies, monitoring and removing organisational, administrative and financial barriers to the development of transport, and support for the railways taking over a portion of international road haulage operations. I would like to thank Mr Cramer for his necessary and insightful report."@en1

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