Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-06-27-Speech-3-052"

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"Mr President, we must undoubtedly congratulate Chancellor Merkel and, in particular, the President of the European Commission, who is now having his second big success, following the approval of the financial perspective, because we have avoided a certain risk of crisis. Many Members of this House may have hoped for more, but we must acknowledge that this agreement is perfectly consistent with the Community method. I am convinced that we are going to carry on functioning perfectly well until 2014 or, in exceptional circumstances, for three further years, with the decision-making procedure adopted in Nice which, in the end — I would like to point out — was approved precisely in order to deal with enlargement. Furthermore, I hope that, in order to round off the institutional package, the twenty seats remaining in the European Parliament will be filled for the 2009 elections, naturally, and adhering strictly to the proportionality criteria, that is to say, that it be done in an entirely democratic way. Along the lines of the progress made in the field of justice and home affairs, I wonder whether the opportunity could be taken at the IGC to provide the European Counter-Terrorism Coordinator with content and duties. I believe that this post responds to an objective need and to a great sensitivity amongst the European citizens, as the latest Eurobarometer indicates. Incidentally, I am sure that the European Commission’s services will ensure that the terrorist group ETA is called by its proper name. In the same vein, I am delighted by the mention in the final point of the conclusions of the peace process in Northern Ireland, but I am also surprised to see that there is not the least reference to the threat to the European citizens, and to the Spanish citizens in particular, represented by the breaking of ETA’s ceasefire. Any opportunity to express the European institutions' solidarity with people whose freedom and lives are in danger every day is a good opportunity."@en1

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