Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-06-06-Speech-3-127"

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"Mr President, it is absolutely intolerable that, every summer, we witness human tragedies on the borders of Europe. In spite of our indignation, every year these tragedies are repeated. How can the European Union leave these people alone faced with their despair at the gates of Europe? The Commission must ask for commitments from Member States at the next Justice and Home Affairs (JAI) Council: we must ensure that no events of this kind can ever happen again. It is intolerable that we should be debating the responsibilities of individuals while there were people in danger at sea and they were not rescued. Malta bears a large part of the responsibility, that is sure. Giving assistance to people in distress is a duty and not a choice, but they were left to die. I believe, however, that we are all responsible for this tragedy. I received messages from many Maltese who are people who care and who are distressed at seeing immigrants treated in this fashion and their country in this situation. At the same time, however, they are aware that their little country has been abandoned. I should like to say here that these events demonstrate the lack of European solidarity in relation to the management of borders and the reception of emigrants. It is intolerable that the burden should rest essentially with the countries of the South and East of Europe. Europe must show its solidarity and take action so that costs and responsibilities are shared by all Member States. That is why I call on Member States to grant more resources to Frontex so that maritime missions can begin before the end of June and be broadly developed, particularly in the Mediterranean. I was satisfied to learn that the evaluation of the Dublin II regulation is to be presented to us in the days to come. That is what we have been told recently. We have been asking for it for several months, even though now it is no longer an evaluation that is needed but a swift revision. The Dublin II regulation is obviously not appropriate, especially for a small country like Malta. Finally, we ask the Commission where the discussions with Libya have got to concerning immigration. Recent events have shown Libya’s inability to give help to migrants and people in distress. We have already said it and we repeat: the European Union must not shrug off its responsibilities and pass them on to a country that does not apply appropriate standards in relation to the protection of fundamental rights."@en1

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