Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-05-22-Speech-2-225"

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"Mr Prodi, ladies and gentlemen, the process of adopting the European Constitution cannot be reduced to a set of amendments to the existing treaties but must contain important social aspects that are at the moment not present. Europe must be able to meet the great challenges which pose a threat to the rights of citizens, the quality of life, health and the very future of its people. Faced with phenomena such as relocations, the scarcity of water resources, the world’s hunger for energy and climate change, individual states are helpless and unable to formulate winning strategies. It is only through action agreed at continental level, or better still at planetary level, that we can hope for success where we cannot afford failure. It is important for Europe to be at the forefront in the world, both from the political point of view, as a benchmark for socially inclusive policies and a policy of acceptance that can be a model for other parts of the world, and in terms of technological choices and future planning, particularly in the sustainable energy sector. Five members of the main political groups present in the European Parliament have signed a written statement on the need for Europe to take a new approach to the economy, based on hydrogen: a real industrial, technological and social revolution that can be sustainable in the long term. You referred to this and I believe that this is one of the examples where Europe can and must play the principal role on the world stage. To conclude, there is no need for a compromise at all costs, but we need to tackle the real problems affecting millions of citizens. Only in this way will the dream of a united Europe be able to speak to the hearts of Europeans."@en1

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