Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-05-22-Speech-2-151"

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". I voted in favour of the motion that the Aubert report on organic production and labelling of organic products be referred back to the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. As far as I am concerned, it is necessary that the threshold for accidental contamination by GMOs should not be the same as in conventional agriculture, that is to say around 0.9%, for one would thereby be making the de facto admission that contamination can no longer be prevented and that it cannot be guaranteed that a product is GMO-free even if certified ‘organic’. I supported the proposal in this regard from the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, according to which the presence of GMOs in organic products would have to be limited solely to unforeseeable and technically unavoidable amounts to a maximum of 0.1% and that the term ‘organic’ was not to be used to describe products contaminated accidentally by GMOs in excess of a detectable threshold of 0.1%. Finally, I endorse the motion that a different legal basis be found for this matter relating to organic farming. Having hitherto been a consultant, the European Parliament intends to become a codecider where problems such as this are concerned, and that will constitute progress."@en1

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