Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-05-10-Speech-4-041"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I should like to begin by congratulating our two rapporteurs, Mr Andria and Mr Janowski. The European Union’s regional policy must help to improve the innovation capacities of our regions so as to reduce the disparities in development and to support a form of sustainable and balanced economic growth, with respect shown for the principles of subsidiarity and of solidarity. By way of example, the buildings, networks and housing in the outermost regions are for the most part damaged and are insufficiently adapted to the natural risks and specific climatic conditions. Thanks to European, national and regional incentives, together with the help of private investment, an effort in these areas is possible in the outermost regions, on the basis of real public/private partnerships. An effort of this kind would help to speed up the research into low-cost, earthquake-proof, anticyclonic and high-insulating building materials, so that work can begin on building cheaper housing that can withstand any unforeseen happenings. Such a project would also have the virtue of promoting a more rational use of energy by favouring clean energy sources, exploiting local conditions and increasing the share of renewable energy sources. The outermost regions are destined to become a centre of excellence in terms of innovation, as much on a scientific and technological level as on an architectural one, with the dual objective being to guarantee the overseas populations safe and comfortable housing and to facilitate the sustainable development of these regions. I should like the Commission and the Member States to encourage centres of excellence, as they act as real bridges between research and teaching establishments, SMEs and local authorities. The purpose of regional policy is neither to focus yet more of its action on a small number of spectacular projects nor to spread its aid too thinly. It can also be useful and effective if it supports small-scale, innovative actions in the most underdeveloped regions with the aim of guaranteeing the harmonious and polycentric development of EU territory."@en1

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