Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-03-13-Speech-2-207"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, I should like to thank you for your speech and your answers. I should like to ask you what you mean by the introduction of better redress procedures for consumers, since you told us that you do not envisage any collective redress. The fact is that consumer rights are regularly violated whether – in terms of the mobile telephone sector – these violations take the form of excessive prices, of deductions of unowed bank charges or of failings on the part of Internet access providers, and that, very often, individual losses do not amount to much but, when added together, represent significant collective losses, thus bringing extremely large sums into play. Faced with that, individual redress is ineffective and only class actions, in fact, may appear to be a satisfactory solution since they make it possible not only to provide consumers with a means of redress and a single form of compensation proceedings but also, and above all, to drive back businesses. This is what happens in Portugal, for example, and it does not involve any US-style excesses. Could you therefore give us some clarification on what you refer to as effective redress?"@en1

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