Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-03-12-Speech-1-136"

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"Madam President, we know that the road on which we are travelling in the fight for equal rights and opportunities is a long one. For Portuguese women, 8 March was a particularly momentous day. The law decriminalising the voluntary termination of pregnancy, if the woman chooses to do so in the first ten weeks of pregnancy, in a legally authorised health establishment, was finally adopted. There remain many inequalities, however, between women and men, in the social field – in terms of access to work, career development and pay – in political life and in family life. The Commission must not restrict itself to a statement of general principles on equality, which will always be undermined when liberal policies are pursued, with the liberalisation and privatisation provided for in the so-called Lisbon Strategy, to which flexicurity – to facilitate groundless dismissals – can now be added. In this context discrimination against women will go on. Motherhood and fatherhood, which are key social values, must be afforded state protection. Measures must moreover be taken to eradicate discriminatory practices in companies, which still go on in Portugal. Consequently, as on 2 March in Lisbon, women will continue to fight for more jobs with rights, against the closure of maternity wards and for more crèches and nurseries. Their struggle must be met with a positive response."@en1

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