Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-02-14-Speech-3-255"

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lpv:translated text
"Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, when debating the violated rights of our esteemed terrorists this morning, Parliament was packed full, with the Commission Presidency and all the European institutions’ authorities. Now, however, when it is time to debate and take stock of the strategy for combating terrorism and, above all, for protecting Europe’s citizens against the looming threat of terrorism, few of the people involved are present. One day, somebody will write the story of Europe’s fight against terrorism and they will pick on this, together with the serious mistake we made this morning in adopting the Fava report, which is a huge gift to al-Qa’ida. The report rightly states that we need to examine the factors contributing to radicalisation. We know what these factors are: they are the mosques and Islamic centres. It is the absolute freedom granted to thousands of Islamic centres and mosques to carry out propaganda and recruitment and to collaborate actively with Islamic terrorist organisations. It is time we started to say that quite plainly here in Parliament."@en1

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