Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-02-14-Speech-3-023"

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"Mr President, I am proud of what we have achieved. At first, I had my doubts about how much we would actually manage to bring to the surface, precisely because secret operations are involved. It is true that we have not yet got to the bottom of this, but partly thanks to Mr Fava’s and Mr Coelho’s commitment, to whom I should both like to extend warm thanks for their work as rapporteur and chairman respectively, a ‘truth-finding momentum’ has been achieved, and there are various Member States in which it is being sustained. There are still people, certainly within the governments but also in this House, who would prefer to be left in the dark and for them, this report is not good news, because it definitely contains facts about people who have been abducted from European soil, about flights – note, Mr Helmer, the use of the word ‘flights’ rather than ‘renditions’ – via Europe in aircraft hired by the CIA. This report also reminds us of the hearings in which people have brought personal accounts and also reminds Member States of their legal obligations to look into alleged human rights violations, for that is what needs to be done. I was, in fact, delighted with the reaction from Mr Gawronski from the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats, who said: ‘There is nothing new in the report.’ Nothing new, and I tend to share his view. The big question is, of course, just why the PPE-DE Group is voting against a report that contains nothing but known facts? Whilst it is useful to look back, and I hope that the governments will at some stage have the courage to say that a number of things have gone wrong in the past, I also share Commissioner Frattini’s view that we should also look at what lies ahead. In this light, my group would, in six months' time, like a fresh debate with specific proposals for the future, about how we should, from hereon in, deal with extraditions and diplomatic guarantees, about the trial of alleged terrorists, about the control of secret services, even maybe about European control – this is open to discussion – of transnational operations. I hope that the PPE-DE Group will then be able to show itself to be more than just a negative force."@en1

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