Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-12-12-Speech-2-071"

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"Mr President, the imminence of the accession of Romania and Bulgaria is underlined by today’s vote on the nominees for the posts of two Commissioners and two Members of the Court of Auditors. Both Meglena Kuneva and Leonard Orban were deeply involved in the negotiations for their respective countries’ membership. Each was dealt a tough hand of cards, especially if you think of the distance that each country has travelled on its road to membership. It proved tougher than expected and needed two years more than other countries emerging from the former Europe. We must learn now to adapt our Union to a wider membership – a fuller house – with inevitable family disputes. All must learn to give a bit if they are to take. Whether we yet have a full house, of course, is still a matter for debate and maybe Mr Brok would enlighten us towards the end of this week? It is fitting that those who bore the burden of accession negotiations bear some of the fruit of their labours. Mrs Kuneva and Mr Orban have a great deal to contribute to Europe. The depth of knowledge they have gleaned from the talks will stand them in good stead for their collegial decision-making on the upper floors of the Berlaymont. Whether they choose to play the Queen of Hearts or the Ace of Spades in President Barroso’s House of Cards is up to them, but I remain convinced that Romania and Bulgaria will be an asset to the Union, and not a burden as some would have us believe. I know that some in this House are thinking of voting against one of the nominees for the Court of Auditors. If we are serious about bringing two countries into the Union, let us be serious about bringing them in properly and not play games with the nominees. Let me offer a word of advice to President Barroso as he chews on how to use the talents of his two latest recruits: there are not enough jobs for 27 Commissioners. That is why we supported the Constitution’s provisions to slim the College down. Please ensure that Members of the Commission act in the Community interest and not as representatives of their home states; define their jobs clearly, more clearly than you have done in your letter to President Borrell, allegedly ‘clarifying’ the role of intercultural dialogue. It has left many of us with more questions than answers. However, we wish you success. We wish the two new Commissioners success and we expect that you will do the job we need to advance the cause of Europe."@en1

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