Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-06-14-Speech-3-064"

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"Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, one year on from the 'no' votes in France and the Netherlands, it is high time for Europe to pull itself together and to put forward some solutions to make the most of the content of its draft European Constitution. Our Heads of State or Government will need to discuss some key issues for our future: energy independence, immigration, the future of the Constitutional Treaty and enlargement. On each of those subjects, Europeans expect their leaders to give real answers and to have the courage to accept both the political and financial consequences of those answers. The humanitarian situation amongst the immigrants flocking to the southern shores of the EU needs to form one of Europe's highest priorities, and it calls for a joint response in terms of reception of immigrants and asylum policy. It also demonstrates the need for an in-depth re-examination of our development policy, which is evidently failing to meet the urgent needs of people in countries that we want, but are not managing, to help. With regard to enlargement, I welcome the European Commission's wisdom in deciding to postpone the decision on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria until next October, depending on the progress achieved by each of those countries. However, the Commission also needs to show similar perceptiveness with regard to Turkey. I am very critical of the very positive signals just given to that country in the context of the accession negotiations, at a time when it still does not recognise Cyprus, one of the Members of the Union it wants to join. Europe can only be strong if it is respected, and it will only be respected if it applies the same legal rules to all. Finally, I would like to remind you that the criterion of absorption capacity has not simply been invented by certain Member States, but is one of the Copenhagen criteria. We will be fooling the candidate countries if we lead them to believe that we are doing them a favour by allowing them to join a Union that is not in full working order. We would be deceiving both the people of the current Member States and those of the countries that are working so hard to join the European Union."@en1

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