Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-05-16-Speech-2-152"

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"The EU is again to enter into a fisheries agreement with an African state. We have on several occasions pointed out how damaging these agreements are. Those countries with which the EU enters into such agreements are deprived of the opportunity to develop their own efficient fishing industries. What is more, the EU’s fishing fleet is partly responsible for depleting fish stocks, something pointed out by both Swedish authorities and environmental organisations. Moreover, these agreements are expensive for taxpayers in the EU Member States. They amount, in actual fact, to direct subsidies to the fishing industry. This agreement in particular is especially objectionable because Morocco has been occupying Western Sahara illegally for many years. The International Court of Justice in The Hague has pointed this out. What it means is that Morocco has no ultimate control over its natural resources, including its fisheries resources. By entering into a fisheries agreement with Morocco, the EU is indirectly recognising this occupation and the human rights violations constantly committed by Morocco in Western Sahara. We have voted against the report in today’s vote."@en1

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