Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-03-13-Speech-1-106"

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"Mr President, I naturally do not want EU taxpayers’ money to fund the development of businesses that relocate outside the EU or that do not play by the rules. Nevertheless, I entirely reject this report, as I believe that to impose a seven-year freeze on businesses, during which time they may not relocate their operations, displays a deep misunderstanding of the global economy. Likewise, I fail to understand why a business in the EU should not be cleared to move to another territory, if there is competition between the types of State aid granted by individual Member States. A freeze on businesses moving will not ensure the protection of sustainable employment; it will only succeed in overloading an already inflexible employment and high-taxation system with further immobility. This will give rise to more pointless bureaucracy and the further spread of the nonsensical strategy of fighting against company relocations. Civil servants are engaged in a futile struggle, tilting at windmills with EU taxpayers’ money. In other words, capital is always channelled where it is best appreciated, and will not follow the instructions laid down by Parliament or the Commission."@en1

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