Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-02-02-Speech-4-128"

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"The Swedish Conservative delegation has today chosen to abstain from voting in a vote on the current situation in combating violence against women and any future action. We have not been able to support the report because it to an unduly large degree seeks to make national areas of competence subject to EU decision-making. We are firmly convinced that issues concerning gender equality and policy on crime should be decided on by the Member States, which are best placed to make decisions in these areas. The Conservatives have set the pace at national level when it comes to many of the measures discussed in the report. We believe that the state must fulfil its primary task, namely that of protecting people from criminal attacks, irrespective of the victim’s and the perpetrator’s genders. We should place the emphasis on the responsibility of the individual perpetrator of violence instead of proceeding on the basis of a view of society that reduces the responsibility of the individual."@en1

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