Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-01-18-Speech-3-155"

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"I have chosen to vote in favour of the Conciliation Committee’s joint text for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the management of bathing water quality. In principle, I do not believe that bathing water quality is an issue that should be dealt with at EU level. It should be dealt with by the Member States at national or local level. I voted in favour of the draft because the proposal significantly simplifies an earlier, 1976 directive on bathing water quality. Voting in favour of this proposal is part of the fight to simplify EU legislation. It also, of course, involves changes for the better where health and the environment are concerned. In order for the EU to be more effective and show more dynamism on the major cross-border issues, policy-making in certain areas needs to be handed over to the Member States. This is one such area, and it should be dealt with in places closer to the people."@en1

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