Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-10-26-Speech-3-324"

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"Azerbaijan is a strategic partner for Europe in terms of economics, security and foreign policy. For that reason the EU has welcomed Azerbaijan as a partner in the European Neighbourhood Policy and is following with interest the development of its internal politics. The upcoming elections are a key moment in the history of Azerbaijan, which will demonstrate the direction in the country wishes to move, and its willingness to follow in the footsteps of other ex-Soviet republics towards greater democratic participation, transparency and freedom of expression. On the eve of such an event, a certain nervousness is understandable. I do not, however, consider the attitude the present government has shown up to now to be justifiable. It seems deliberately to be creating a climate of fear, which is degenerating into violence and unlawful interference in the process of the electoral campaign, as attested to by the withdrawal of various candidates from the list. Even the decision to use ink to reduce the risk of fraud came late and after too many objections, something that can only cast a bad light over the goodwill of the government to proceed in a clear and transparent way. The future attitude of the EU, and our receptiveness towards an increasingly fruitful partnership, will depend on how this last electoral week, and above all on how the voting itself, unfold."@en1

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