Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-09-26-Speech-1-079"

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"Mr President, the Gdansk shipyards, for the benefit of the previous speakers, where the 25th anniversary of the start of the Solidarity strikes in 1980 was celebrated, employed 6 000 workers. Today, now that the shipyards have been privatised, two thirds of the workforce was dismissed in the 1990s. Mr Walesa and Solidarity, of course, did not go on any strikes because it was they who dismissed them. In the town of Gdansk, which you have as a symbol, poverty reigns. Unemployment exceeds 15%. In ‘free’ Poland, working farmers, the grass roots, live in drastic conditions. The standard of living is plummeting. Fourteen years after the overthrow of socialism, the Poles are consuming less, including less basic foods, than in 1980. All social achievements have been eroded. Foreign capital is plundering the country. Farmers are being wiped out and new latifundia are being created. The course of events demonstrates, therefore, that Solidarity was the Trojan Horse for the restoration of capitalism in Poland. The leaders deceived the workers. They projected pro-labour demands, trapped them and brought them to this pass. They had economic and political support from the United States and governments in other capitalistic countries, which are today reaping huge profits for capital and creating poverty among the Polish people. For the benefit of the previous speakers, Walesa's slogans of alleged freedom and solidarity for the workers, led them – impoverished, subjugated and disenfranchised – into the hands of the capitalists. As far as democracy in Poland is concerned, let me quote you just one statistic: 20% voted in the last European elections. That is what they think about the European Union."@en1

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