Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-07-05-Speech-2-212"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, on this occasion I speak as shadow rapporteur for the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe on the regulation on the ERDF. I should like to first congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Fava, for the excellent work carried out. I consider the reference made by the rapporteur to the issue of public security as the guarantee against organised crime infiltrating the expenditure processes linked to the Structural Funds to be positive. Significant consensus has been reached on a number of points among many of us, of different extractions and origins in terms of both geography and politics, on the significant issue of social inclusion. During the debate in committee, extremely effective compromises and points of synthesis were found upon reading the amendments. I welcome the fact that the rapporteur chose to pay the utmost attention to the requests put forward by my group, the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe. In particular, we obtained more attention for the urban dimension. Emphasis has been placed on the driving force that a good programme of investment and management of funds directly apportioned to the cities can have for the economic and sociocultural revival of the suburbs and surrounding rural areas, as the Commissioner here present also stated today. That will act as a real engine for the sustainable and long-lasting development of the regions. Finally, with regard to the issue of disabilities, I have requested that the aims of the ERDF should include a specific commitment to promote measures aimed at removing the architectural barriers in projects financed by the Fund, so as to ensure equal opportunities for accessing the Fund. With regard to the other issues, particularly the issue of VAT, I believe that they have already been thoroughly discussed previously."@en1

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