Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-06-09-Speech-4-201"

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"One report is on employment and productivity and their contribution to economic growth, and the other is on social inclusion in the new Member States. Both reports contain general recommendations on how the EU Member States should conduct their economic policy. Even though we are able substantially to support quite a few of the proposals, it is not for the EU to lay down such policy. Through institutional competition, countries should of their own accord find suitable solutions as to the way in which economic policy is to be shaped. Those countries that introduced transitional rules governing labour mobility in connection with the ten new Member States should be entitled to retain these. It is a good idea, however, to revise the rules because the problems arising from the free migration of labour from the new EU countries have been dramatically exaggerated. For the above-noted reasons, we are voting against both reports."@en1

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